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Currently, there are no openings at PMF. However, you can email us your cv for the future openings at careers@platinummicrofinance.com. Thank you for your interest in PMF. Skills acquisition and building internal capacity Our leadership teams and compliance and risk functions are being strengthened with appropriate skills. Further, we recognise that it is crucial that we engage in effective change management programmes with our staff to drive alignment across the wide diversity of our operations.

We will achieve this by:

  • Investing in people
  • Reinforcing PMF’s performance driven culture
  • Exposing our staff to relevant corporate culture training such as PMF’s ‘Own The Rhythm, Set The Pace’ program
  • Inculcating leadership attributes across the Group

We have adopted a nine-part model that focuses on three core elements – alignment, execution, and renewal – and has been adapted to our strategic vision. The three core elements are further disaggregated into the key attributes that inform our organisational culture.”