<% content_for :title, "About Us" %>

About Us

HOME / About Us

Who we are

Platinum Microfinance (Pvt) Ltd (PMF) is a licensed microfinance Institution in Zimbabwe. It was incorporated under the companies and the Banking and Financial institution Act in 2019


PMF provides a specially designed range of lending services to clients who may not have access to the mainstream commercial banking services. PMF focuses on client satisfaction by offering competitively priced high value products and services.

<%= link_to "Checkout Our Products", products_path, :class => "s-btn s-btn--sm s-btn--primary-brd g-radius--50 g-padding-x-40--xs" %>

A competent Board of 6 experienced directors oversees company operations supported by highly skilled managers and staff.

<%= link_to "Board of Directors", board_of_directors_about_index_path, :class => "s-btn s-btn-icon--md s-btn--white-brd g-radius--50 g-padding-x-65--xs" %>