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Vision & Mission

HOME / Vision & Mission



To build the best reliable partnerships with selected individuals, small businesses and corporate clients in Zimbabwe for the provision of short/medium term finance.



Our purpose is sustainably improve the livelihood of individuals and SMEs.


What Makes Us Different

At Platinum Microfinance, we refer to our clients as partners. This is because their success determines ours. Our balanced business and social performance outlook, and the associated objectives we set for ourselves, are closely tied to our partners' capacity to build sustainable businesses that improve the income of their families leading to improvements in their resilience and quality of life


Why should you partner with us?

Following on from our corporate philosophy, PMF will work closely with you to ensure we provide you with the products and services that fit your business development, and other needs. We will work with you in a spirit of equality and partnership as we look after our common interests to achieve mutual prosperity. .


To fulfill our mission, we are
lead by our objectives as follows: