You have chosen <%= %>

Fill in the form below and see how much you qualify for?

<%= form_tag( { :action => :sub_product_additional }, { :method => :get, remote: true }) %> <%= hidden_field :loan_calculator, :product, :value => %> <%= hidden_field :loan_calculator, :sub_product, :value => "civil" %> <%= hidden_field :loan_calculator, :customer_type, :value => "1" %>
<%= label_tag :net_salary, "What is your Net Monthly Income? *", :class => "lead g-font-size-16--xs" %> <%= text_field :loan_calculator, :net_salary, required: true, :class => "form-control", autofocus: true %>
<%= label_tag :currency, "You earn in what currency? *", :class=>"lead g-font-size-16--xs" %> <%= select :loan_calculator, :currency,'name desc').map {|c| [,]}, {:prompt => "Select Currency"}, :required => true, :class => "form-control" %>
<%= label_tag :covid_allowance, "Enter your Covid Allowance *", :class => "lead g-font-size-16--xs" %> Less Covid Allowance <%= text_field :loan_calculator, :covid_allowance, required: true, :class => "form-control" %>
<%= label_tag :ssb_limit, "SSB Limit", :class => "lead g-font-size-16--xs" %> Less Minimum Deductable Amount <%= text_field :loan_calculator, :ssb_limit, value: @ssb_limit, :class => "form-control", readonly: true %>
<%= submit_tag "Next", :class => "text-uppercase s-btn s-btn--md s-btn--primary-bg g-radius--50 g-padding-x-70--xs g-margin-b-20--xs" %>